Massachusetts Witch-Hunt Justice Project

Seeking an apology for all Massachusetts Witch-Hunt victims and exoneration for all convicted victims


Exoneration and an Apology

The Massachusetts Witchcraft Trials occurred between 1638 and 1693. During this period, at least 254 individuals were accused of witchcraft in Massachusetts. 209 of these were complained of, implicated in court, questioned, arrested, and/or imprisoned. To date, the names of 31 of the convicted Salem victims have been cleared by legislation. However, 8 individuals convicted in Boston in other witch trials have not been exonerated and none of the victims has received an official apology.

Please sign the petition to clear their names.

By clearing the names of the past victims, we honor the dead, educate the living, reduce the potential for future witch-hunts of all kinds, and send a message that we stand opposed to violence against persons accused of witchcraft. Exoneration is a way to show our respect to generations gone before us and provide comfort to the victims’ descendants. This is also an opportunity to learn many lessons applicable today. Through sharing the history of past witch-hunts, we learn how to identify and stop similarly oppressive actions in the present.

A Website.